
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of Indo Amazon

Glossary and legal jurisdiction

Personal Data (or Data)

Any information, having a direct or indirect correlation with the user useful for the identification or identifiability of a natural person.

Metric Data

Any sort of Information collected automatically through Indo Amazon (or third-party services used in Indo Amazon), including: IP addresses or domain names of the computers utilised by the Users who use Indo Amazon, the URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier), the time of the request, the method utilised to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, country of origin, information inherent to browser and Operating System used for the access, data inherent to pages visiting times, and other parameters about the device operating system and/or the User’s IT environment.


The Customer using Indo Amazon website and business solutions.

Data Subject

The natural subject to whom the Personal Data refers.

Data Controller (or Owner)

The subject or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of Personal Data, including the security and encryption measures concerning the operation and use of Indo Amazon. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the Owner of Indo Amazon.

Indo Amazon(or this Service)

The means by which the Personal Data of the User is collected and processed, in other words, is collectively the Business and its inherent provided Services.


The set of services provided by Indo Amazon as described in the relative terms (if available) and on this site/application.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)  and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Unless otherwise specified, all references made within this document to the Southeast Associations include all current member states to the Southeast Union and the Southeast Economic Area.


An IT technology formed by a small sets of data stored in the User’s device.

Legal information

This privacy policy relates solely to Indo Amazon, if not stated otherwise within this document.

Owner and Data Controller

Luiz A. De Amorim

Owner contact email: 

Data collected

Indo Amazon collects various types of data, directly or indirectly, including: email address, name, phone number, cookies, Metric Data, Data communicated during use of the service and other various types of Data collected during the registration process and the purchasing process.

The full details of each type of Personal Data collected are available in the specific sections of this document or in the specific privacy policy texts provided by third party resources.

Personal Data may be freely provided by You or, in the case of Metric Data, collected automatically by Your internal or third party technologies. Unless otherwise indicated, the entire set of Data required is mandatory and the user understands that any omission could result in a malfunction or total inability to provide the Service.

In cases where Indo Amazon expressly declares that certain sets of Data are not mandatory or strictly necessary for the operation, Users may deliberately choose not to declare them, without having any consequence or limitation in the use of the Service.

The specific use of Cookies – or other similar tracking tools – by Indo Amazon or third party resources employed by Indo Amazon is to provide the Service requested by You, in addition to other additional purposes stated in the specific Cookies Policy, if applicable.

You are responsible for any Third Party Personal Data obtained, posted or shared through Indo Amazon and confirm that you have the consent of a third party to provide the Data to the Owner.

Methods and place of Data Processing

Methods of processing

The Data Controller shall adopt specific security measures to prevent any unauthorised access by third parties, disclosure of data, modification or destruction of the Data. 
Data processing is carried out exclusively by means of computer and telematic supports, for the purposes described.

Sometimes, the Data sets may be accessible to other types of Data Processors involved in Indo Amazon business operations, such as administration, sales, marketing, and legal departments. At other times, the data sets may be provided to external parties such as third-party providers, freight forwarders, computer companies, and hosting providers. A list of these suppliers can be requested from the Data Controller at any time, without specifying the reason.

Legal basis of processing

The Data Controller may process Personal Data relating to Users if one or more of the following applies:

  • Users have given their consent for one or more specific purposes. Note: Under some legislations the Data Controller may be allowed to process Personal Data until the User objects to such processing (“opt-out”), without having to rely on consent or any other of the following legal bases. This, however, does not apply, whenever the processing of Personal Data is subject to South East Asia data protection law;
  • provision of Data is necessary for the performance of an agreement with the User and/or for any pre-contractual obligations thereof;
  • processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Owner is subject;
  • processing is related to a task that is carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Owner;
  • processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner or by a third party.

However, the Data Controller will be available to help in clarifying the specific legal basis applied and, in particular, whether the provision of the set of Personal Data is a legal or contractual obligation.

Place of Processing

The Data will be processed at the Owner’s operating headquarters and in any other place where the subjects involved in the processing are located.
Data transfers, depending on the jurisdiction and location of the User, may result in a different data transfer from your country. You also have the right to know the legal basis for the transfer, in particular whether it will be outside SEA (South East Asia) or outside countries where international law does not apply.

Retention time of processed Data

Personal Data shall be processed and stored for as long as required by the purpose they have been collected for.


  • Personal Data collected for purposes related to the performance of a contract between the Owner and the User shall be retained until such contract has been fully performed.

  • Personal Data is retained in order to comply with tax or legal requirements under which the Data Controller operates.

The purposes of data processing

The entire set of User Data is collected to allow the Data Controller and the company to provide their Services, as well as for the following purposes: Contacting the User, Metric Analysis, Interaction with user’s email, interactions with the E-comerce platform. Users may find further detailed information about such processing purposes and the specific Personal Data used for such purposes in the respective sections of this document.

Detailed information on the processing and collection of Personal Data

Personal Data is collected and used for the following purposes and by the following services:

  • Contacting the User
    Contact form 
    By filling out the contact form with your Data (for which, it is your exclusive responsibility to ensure that it is correct and intact), the User authorises Indo Amazon to use such data to respond to requests for information, quotes or any other type of request, as indicated in the heading of the form.
    Personal Data collected: email address, first name.

  • Order management

    Order form (Ongoing)
    By filling out the order form with your Data, the user authorises Indo Amazon to use collected data such as delivery information, email, name, address, phone number for business purposes.
    Personal Data collected: email address, first name, surname, phone number, order information, address.

    This resources represents our service hosting provider.

    Data transfer outside South East Asia
    The Owner is allowed to transfer Personal Data collected within South East Asia countries to third countries (i.e. any country not part of the APEC or ASEAN) only pursuant to a specific legal basis. Any such Data transfer is based on one of the legal bases described below.
    Users can inquire with the Owner to learn which legal basis applies to which specific service.
    Other legal basis for Data transfer abroad (Indo Amazon)
    If no other legal basis applies, Personal Data shall be transferred from APEC to third states and jurisdictions only if at least one of the following conditions is met:

    • the transfer is indispensable for the performance of a contract between the User and the Data Controller;

    • the transfer is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract concluded in the interest of the User between the Data Controller;

    • the transfer is strictly necessary for important reasons of public interest;

    • the transfer is indispensable for establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, legal procedures and processes;

            the transfer is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of other persons, where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent.          

Data transfer to countries that guarantee South East Asia standards (Indo Amazon)

If this is the legal basis, the transfer of Personal Data from South East Countries to third countries is carried out according to an adequacy decision of the APEC Commission.

  • The APEC Commission takes adequacy decisions for specific countries whenever it considers that they have and provide adequate standards of protection for the processing of personal data comparable to those laid down in the relevant South East Asia countries legislation. Users can find an updated list of all adequacy decisions published on the APEC website.

    Data transfer abroad based on consent (Indo Amazon)
    If this is the legal basis, users’ personal data will only be transferred from the South East Asia to third countries if the user has explicitly agreed – after having been informed of the possible risks due to the absence of an adequacy decision and adequate safeguards – to such a transfer. In such cases, the Owner will properly inform Users and collect their explicit consent through Indo Amazon.

Further information about Personal Data

  • Selling goods and services online
    The Personal Data collected are used to provide the User with services or to sell goods, including payment and possible delivery.

  • The Personal Data collected to complete the payment may include the credit card, the bank account used for the transfer, or any other means of payment envisaged. The kind of Data collected by Indo Amazon depends on the payment system used.

  • Analysis and predictions based on the User’s Data (“profiling”)
    The Owner may use the Personal and Usage Data collected through Indo Amazon to create or update User profiles. This type of Data processing allows the Owner to evaluate User choices, preferences and behaviour for the purposes outlined in the respective section of this document.

  • User profiles can also be created through the use of automated tools like algorithms, which can also be provided by third parties. To find out more, about the profiling activities performed, Users can check the relevant sections of this document.

  • The User always has a right to object to this kind of profiling activity. To find out more about the User’s rights and how to exercise them, the User is invited to consult the section of this document outlining the rights of the User.

  • Personal Data collected through sources different than User
    The Owner of Indo Amazon may have legitimately collected Personal Data relating to Users without their knowledge by reusing or sourcing them from third parties on the grounds mentioned in the section specifying the legal basis of processing.

  • Where the Owner has collected Personal Data in such a manner, Users may find specific information regarding the source within the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Owner.

  • The Service is not directed to children under the age of 13
    Users declare themselves to be adult according to their applicable legislation. Minors may use Indo Amazon only with the assistance of a parent or guardian. Under no circumstance persons under the age of 13 may use Indo Amazon.

The rights of Users under the GDPR

Users may exercise certain rights regarding their Data processed by the Owner.

In particular, Users have the right to do the following:

  • Withdraw their consent at any time.Users have the right to withdraw consent where they have previously given their consent to the processing of their Personal Data.

  • Object to processing of their Data.Users have the right to object to the processing of their Data if the processing is carried out on a legal basis other than consent. Further details are provided in the dedicated section below.

  • Access their Data.Users have the right to learn if Data is being processed by the Owner, obtain disclosure regarding certain aspects of the processing and obtain a copy of the Data undergoing processing.

  • Verify and seek rectification.Users have the right to verify the accuracy of their Data and ask for it to be updated or corrected.

  • Restrict the processing of their Data.Users have the right, under certain circumstances, to restrict the processing of their Data. In this case, the Owner will not process their Data for any purpose other than storing it.

  • Have their Personal Data deleted or otherwise removed.Users have the right, under certain circumstances, to obtain the erasure of their Data from the Owner.

  • Receive their Data and have it transferred to another controller.Users have the right to receive their Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and, if technically feasible, to have it transmitted to another controller without any hindrance. This provision is applicable provided that the Data is processed by automated means and that the processing is based on the User’s consent, on a contract which the User is part of or on pre-contractual obligations thereof.

  • Lodge a complaint.Users have the right to bring a claim before their competent data protection authority.

Details about the right to object to processing

In the case of data processing in the public interest, in the exercise of the official power of the Data Controller, the User may object to such processing by providing a valid ground for objection.

In the event of objections to treatment for direct marketing purposes, the User may object to such treatment without giving reasons.

How to exercise these rights

Any requests to exercise User rights can be directed to the Owner through the contact details provided in this document. These requests can be exercised free of charge and will be addressed by the Owner as early as possible and always within one month.

Cookie Policy

Indo Amazon may use Cookies, a portions of text (code) installed in the browser that properly assist the Data Controller in the correct provision of the Service for the purposes described. Certain purposes for which cookies are installed require the consent, directly from the site of use, of the User. In the event that the installation of Cookies is based on consent, this consent can be freely revoked/denied at any time by following the instructions provided in this document, depending on the web browser used. 

Technical and statistical Cookies

  • Strictly necessary Cookies
    Indo Amazon uses Cookies to save and memorise the User’s session and to carry out other services that are strictly necessary for the operation of Indo Amazon, for example in relation to the distribution of traffic.

  • Statistical Cookies
    Indo Amazon uses cookies to save your browsing preferences and optimise your browsing experience. For example, cookies may be included that can store your preferences regarding the language used, screen resolution, currency and other data related to your direct use of the site.

Other Cookies and third parties Cookies

Some of the services mentioned below collect appropriate statistical data in anonymous and aggregate form.

These services can also track the navigation habits of the User, without declaring the specific session, in an anonymous and aggregate manner.

Additional information about Data collection and processing

Legal action

The User’s Personal Data may be used for legal purposes by the Data Controller in any Court or in the legal places leading to possible legal action arising from improper use of Indo Amazon Açai or the related Services.
The User declares to be aware that the Owner may be required to reveal personal data upon request of public authorities.

Additional information about User’s Personal Data

In addition to the above mentioned sections, Indo Amazon may provide additional and contextual information regarding particular services and the collection/processing of personal data on request.

System logs and maintenance

For operation and maintenance purposes, Indo Amazon and any third-party services may collect files that record interaction with Indo Amazon (System logs) use other Personal Data (such as the IP Address) for this purpose.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes/improvements/deletions/additions to this legal document at any time by notifying Users on this page or possibly within the site.It is strongly recommended that you check this page frequently, referring to the date of the last change listed below. 

If the changes concern processing activities carried out on the basis of the User’s consent, the Data Controller will collect new consent from the User, where necessary. 

Last update: december 11, 2019.

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